If you were fortunate enough, you’ve made some great memories with your family this summer. You’ve earned your tan. But now that tell-tale chill is in the evening and morning air and it’s inevitable: summer is winding down and fall is around the corner.
With that comes back to school. Today was the first day for many to head back to the books and it’s got a lot of people thinking of new ways to keep themselves organized after a summer of fun.
If you’re like me, any evidence of spring cleaning flew out the window when summer arrived. Countless times I would close a cluttered closet and swear to myself I would save the humdrum cleaning for the first cold, grey day of fall. Well that time is here and we’ve got a few tips to offer you to get off to the right start.
1. Kitchen:
They don’t call this the “Heart of the Home” for nothing. This is where we start our days, and typically is the most cherished time we spend with our family before everybody splits for school and work. If the kitchen isn’t organized, it throws off my morning and sets the tone for my day. Keep your cabinets organized and lunch containers easily accessible (with lids matching). Dedicate a pantry shelf for healthy snacks for your kids to reach for lunches or a quick after-school snack.
2. Family Room:
Keep this neutral. If you’re anything like me, you need five minutes of “you” time after work to decompress and recharge for the evening. It’s important to give your kids this space too for after school unwind time. Keep games, magazines, toys, etc. tucked neatly away in cabinets or other storage furniture.
3. Entrance:
You can't leave the house without shoes. But knowing where that favourite pair is when you're heading out the door can be half the battle. Tripping over a mountain of footwear at the front entrance or mudroom is an all-too-familiar display in any family's home.
Install a shoe rack or a custom-built closet space specifically designed to keep your shoes organized and encourage your family to use this space. Keep the ones that you don't wear often tucked away in your bedroom closet or in another storage space.
4. Start off small:
Getting back into the routine for back to school schedules doesn’t have to be daunting. The same is true for your home’s organization. Start off by decluttering areas that have your children’s old homework projects. Hang a “memory” board in your children’s room to display one or two of the most special school projects. Purchase accordion files for each school year and file away the rest of the work you don't want to part with. An organized home will benefit everyone. It frees up time to attend your kids’ activities after school, spend more time enjoying a family dinner or allow you to spend a little quality time doing anything else.